Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Cool Day and a Loose Tooth

The journey was smooth, though a bit monotonous as we drove through Eastern Oregon. The navigator that is me dozed off on the driver, that is hubby, more than a few times. All three boys dozed too for awhile which was nice. We went through the Cascades and came out on the other side at around 6p, then arrived to the grandparents at about 7p. Noah ran to give big hugs to Papa and Grammy.

Later...a milestone marker: Noah lost his first baby tooth. He handled it well, especially when he discovered that Mommy has a missing tooth just like him. As does Daddy. Funny how I overlooked that fact but how it made Noah feel particularly special, which was awesome. Now, in the middle of the night, I have to sneak a treat under his pillow in exchange for that said tooth.'s hoping this tooth fairy is victorious. Here's hoping too that this tooth fairy doesn't lose the tooth!

It's beautiful Eugene for a few days. Tomorrow: stocking up on some Oregon ducks gear and a pedicure. Sweet.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 3

It's 7:20 in the morning and the boys are thoroughly enjoying our hotel -- jumping on the bed, running around. The Parents are too - especially me who thought I had booked a truck-stop hotel and it turns out, it is so much better than that. So far, our lodgings are exceeding our expectations and that makes for good feelings all around. Fun.

"Mom, Dad's brushing his teeth!" - the second son.

We're all getting dressed and ready to go. Breakfast and then back in Junior to head out again. Destination: Papa and Grammy's with a stop in The Dad's hometown in Oregon for lunch. There's the hope we will make it to the grandparents before or by 4:00p. If nothing else we'll seem some gorgeous views driving over a few mountain passes along the way. Day 3 of our Bates Family Vacation has begun...


On this trip, there are several firsts. The huge big first is this is Baby Owen's first road trip. First trip ever to be exact. His very first vacation. And in return, it's the family's very first vacation with Owen and with it being the five of us. It's our very first road trip in Junior, our black Kia Sorento and it's our first time doing the driving route to Oregon in the summertime. And we met a new friend along the way in Boise, Idaho who will be moving to Boulder soon. Firsts are awesome...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Destination - West

We boogied out of Boulder this evening, two hours later than we wanted to but still made good time when we reached our hotel in Rawlins, Wyoming. We,re headed to Eugene, Oregon to see Papa and Grammy. 4 more states and a day and a half to go.